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April 10, 2023Moles vs. Voles: How to Identify &
Manage These Lawn Pests
Moles and voles are two of the most common pests that will wreak havoc on your lawn and garden. Although they are often confused with each other, they are two distinct types of rodents with different habits and behaviors. The experts at Insight Pest Solutions Canada are here to help you identify moles and voles and provide tips on what to do when you see these pesky pests.
Identifying Moles And Voles
Moles are small mammals with pointed snouts and a set of paddle-like forelimbs that are adapted for digging. They are typically 5-7 inches long and can be gray, brown, or black. Moles are solitary animals and spend most of their time underground, creating tunnels and mounds on the surface of your lawn. They feed on insects and earthworms and are most active during the spring and fall.
Voles, on the other hand, are also small mammals, but they are often mistaken for mice. They are also around 5-7 inches long, but they have short tails, and are typically brown or gray. Unlike moles, voles are herbivores and feed on grass, plants, and roots. They create shallow tunnels in the ground and can cause damage to the root systems of plants.
Controlling Moles And Voles
If you have moles or voles in your lawn or garden, there are several steps you can take to manage them.
- Identify the problem: Look for raised mounds of soil on your lawn or shallow tunnels in the ground. This will help you determine whether you have moles or voles and where they are active.
- Remove their food source: Moles feed on insects and earthworms, while voles feed on plants and roots. Reducing their food sources can help deter them from your lawn or garden.
- Install barriers: Placing mesh barriers around your garden beds can prevent voles from getting to your plants. Installing a fence around your property can also help keep moles and voles out.
- Seek professional help: If you have an infestation, it is important to seek the help of Insight Pest Solutions. We can provide effective treatments and help prevent future infestations with quarterly visits!
Moles and voles can be frustrating pests to deal with, but with the right strategies, you can manage your yard more easily. By taking the necessary steps, you can enjoy a healthy lawn and garden free from these pesky rodents. For more information on pest control, contact Insight Pest Solutions Canada today!