How To Get Rid Of Ants In The Garden
December 1, 2023
What Kind Of Damage Can Carpenter Ants Cause?
December 1, 2023Identifying The Different
Ant Species
Did you know that thousands of species of ants exist across the world? Identifying the different ant species that are most likely to be found around your home or business therefore requires some key information.
How To Differentiate Different Types Of Ants?
Being able to recognize an ant among numerous other types of insect already is a good start. But would you know how to distinguish a specific ant species ? A challenging exercise indeed ! Fortunately, a few characteristics can help make the difference.
Here are some features to help you identify them :
- size (length and thickness) of the ants
- body structure
- diet
- location of nests / anthills
- behavior (colonies, habits, etc.).
Recognizing 6 Main Species Of Ants
Among the most common, here is an overview of 6 main types of ants and their distinctive features in order to be able to recognize them.
1. Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants present some distinctive attributes. As well as their large size (around 10 mm in length for males and up to 25 mm for a queen ant), their black color is usually interspersed with light reddish tints on the thorax. Despite what their name suggests, carpenter ants do not actually eat wood. They do, however, enjoy living in damp wood, such as dead tree stumps or moisture-stained house frames.
Because of the potential risk for structural damage, and the extent of colonies, it is important to act quickly to exterminate carpenter ants inside your home.
2. Pavement Ants
Small in size (around 3 to 5 mm), pavement ants can be distinguished by the location of their nests, which are most often found in sandy soils, near sidewalks, pavements or even asphalt driveways. The small mounds of sand (anthills) are usually easy to spot.
These black ants, occasionally brownish, live mainly outdoors, but can sometimes seek refuge in homes or commercial buildings during winter.
3. Pharaoh Ants
Measuring around 2 mm, pharaoh ants are so small that it can actually be difficult to spot them. In search of warmth and humidity, these pale yellow ants, sometimes more brown in color, are frequently found outside typical nests. They may, for example, be hidden behind electric baseboards heaters at home.
4. Argentine Ants
Slightly larger than the pharaoh type, Argentine ants are still considered small ants. From dark yellow to light brown in color, they can be found in both wet and dry environments. They primarily seek out sweet foods. It is therefore not uncommon to see them in homes and stores.
5. Odorous House Ants
Named for the unpleasant smell they release when crushed, these medium-sized ants can be seen inside buildings, especially near sinks, plumbing fixtures and other damp areas. Since several colonies commonly live in the same location, a thorough inspection of the surrounding area is recommended if an odorous house ant is seen at home.
6. Thief Ants
About the size of a small grain of rice, thief ants tend to be found in proximity to other types of ants, as they are known to steal their food, eggs and larvae. Attracted by fatty products, they can also be found in kitchens, for example. The typical color of these small household ants varies from pale yellow to dark brown.
While identifying the different ant species can be useful, the main priority remains to be able to efficiently repel these insects from your home. The global approach of a pest control specialist therefore usually represents the best solution for both rapid and lasting results !