A Comprehensive Guide to Common Pests Found in Your Home
April 10, 2023
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April 10, 2023Fact or Fiction:
Myths About Pests
Just like many other topics, pests tend to get a reputation that holds little to no weight. Common house pests have been in cartoons and television shows for years, and with it, the stories have become muddled. We are here to debunk some common misconceptions about common pests that you may have heard of, and confirm others!
It is commonly believed that cockroaches have been around for ages, dating all the way back to when dinosaurs roamed. This might sound far-fetched, but it’s actually true! Cockroaches have survived as a species for millions of years. If you’ve heard the myth that cockroaches can survive weeks without food or water, that is only partly true! While they can survive for about a month without food, without water they will die in only a few days.
It’s a commonly held belief that putting out vinegar or spraying it around your house will keep ants away. While spraying ants directly with vinegar can kill them, the scent won’t last long. None of us particularly love the scent of vinegar floating around our homes, but it’s not a lasting deterrent for ants. Have you ever heard the myth about oats being able to kill ants from the inside out? This one is also untrue. Leaving food out, regardless of if you think it will kill ants, will only attract more. Make sure you are cleaning all of your surfaces to keep them free of water and crumbs.
Mice And Rats
Have you ever baited a mousetrap with cheese? Cheese and mice is a common story that gets floated around in cartoons and on the internet. The reality is that they don’t actually care that much about cheese. Rats and mice prefer higher sugar and higher carb foods, so try reconsidering what bait you put in your traps. But you might be relieved to hear this next myth get debunked: Seeing rats and mice in the day means there are many of them near your home. While many people believe that, the reality is that sometimes mice or rats come out during the day for food. Seeing them doesn’t necessarily mean that there is a large population nearby.
Pest Control
There are many different DIY pest control methods out there on the internet, and while a few might seem effective for a short time, these aren’t lasting solutions. Trust the professionals to provide the solutions necessary for your pest problems. Pest control is not to be taken lightly. Pests can cause incredible damage to your home and health, so knowing who to call is important. Insight Pest Solutions has the answers. At Insight, we know the facts about the pests you might be dealing with. Call Insight Pest Control for a pest inspection to make sure you stay safe from these annoying pests.