Things You Might be Trying That Just Won’t Work
April 10, 2023
How Did Mice Get Inside My Home?
April 10, 2023Why Shouldn’t You
Do Your Own Pest Control?
There are many do-it-yourself projects out there that are great and can save you money and time. That being said, pest control is not one of them. There are many reasons why pest control should be left to professionals.
1. You Are Not Professionally Trained Or Certified To Perform Pest Control.
There is a lot more to pest control than just spraying pesticides in random areas. Professionally trained and certified technicians have been through extensive training and know all about different kinds of pests, their behaviors, etc. They are also trained to work around factors such as weather, climate, and environment.
2. You Have No Idea How To Treat For The Type Of Pest You Have.
There are many pests that look alike but are not the same. Therefore, misidentification of the pest is possibly one of the most common and dangerous mistakes in DIY pest control. For example, there are over 12,000 known species of ants in the world, and they differentiate in patterns and habits. DIY pest control does not cater treatments to the different species of pests you may be dealing with.
3. DIY Or Cheap Pest Control Is Not An Effective Extermination Process.
DIY pest control is not an effective extermination process because it often misses the target. For example, if you have a rodent infestation, you might attempt to treat it with a do-it-yourself kit that you bought at the store. However, most of these kits use bait, which rodents will avoid if they are not sick. Furthermore, many of these kits also require the user to identify the rodent they are dealing with, which can be difficult if you don’t have much experience identifying pests. Finally, DIY pest control is often ineffective because people don’t always follow the instructions properly or use too many extermination products for their needs.
4. Attempting Your Own Pest Control Can Be Dangerous.
Attempting to do your own pest control can be very dangerous, as you may not be using the correct products or procedures to get rid of the pests. Pesticides are usually considered hazardous chemicals. While a pesticide might seem like an easy solution for your infestation problem, it can actually be illegal in some places and dangerous, especially if you are not professionally trained or certified. If you use this type of pesticide without professional consultation or expertise in securing it correctly according to CDC standards, unintended exposure can lead to serious health effects. Additionally, there is a lot more to pest control than simply pesticide.
5. Not Looking In Or Treating The Correct Areas.
When hiring a professional, you pay for their knowledge and ability to find the areas where pests have entered your home. Unfortunately, DIY pest control often misses key areas where pests enter from, leading to ongoing problems with pests in the future.
Pest Control Canada
We know that pest control can be a daunting task, but Mission Pest Control has you covered. We offer exterminator treatments and inspections as well! So don’t worry about trying DIY pest control when all of our pros are available for help with just one phone call away. We care about the safety and comfort of your home!